How First Aid Helps to Prepare for an Anaphylaxis Emergency?

The first aid course Brisbane -wide helps individuals to deal with any kind of emergency. Anaphylaxis is also a serious allergic reaction that can be life-threatening if immediate first aid is not provided to the victim. In this blog post, we will discuss some important tips on how to deal with anaphylaxis emergencies. First aid course in Melbourne teaches how to deal with the allergy First aid course teaches how to deal with the allergy. It teaches you how to manage the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, who are at risk for anaphylaxis, what should be done when someone has anaphylaxis and what should not be done when someone has anaphylaxis? Basic life support techniques Basic life support techniques include CPR, an automated external defibrillator (AED), a pulse oximeter, and an EpiPen. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) uses chest compressions to force oxygenated blood through the body. This is done when someone's heart has stopped beating normally, which can cause brain ...