The Importance of Learning Remote First Aid

Remote first aid training can be beneficial to many situations that occur when you’re away from your home or office, especially if you spend most of your time travelling. Whether you’re camping in the wilderness or on vacation at a tropical resort, the ability to give yourself or another person first aid quickly and efficiently could save your life or that of someone else. What Is Remote First Aid? In most organizations, first aid is just a word associated with a small kit that holds bandages and cold packs. The kit is usually kept in a box under someone’s desk or in another storage area. When needed, someone will grab it and bring it to where an incident has occurred to help stabilize an injured employee until they can receive medical attention. But what happens when there isn’t anyone around to assist? In remote workplaces like oil rigs or at sea, workers are often far from medical care—which can lead to severe injuries or even death. Why Learn Remote First Aid? If you’re someone...